The Issue of Power and Privilege in the GMO Debate

Although the Ministry of Agriculture has managed to respond to some rumors associated with anti-GMO activism. MOA has failed to address the issue of power and privilege associated with the GMO debate.



Fig. 6 Issues of Power and Privilege Associated with the GMO Debate

Therefore, to make use of GM technology to its most good, it is important to address the issue of power and privilege.

Possible Solution

We believe that the issue of food insecurity can be addressed through the introduction of GM crops, as GM crops have been proven to be safe for consumption and environmentally beneficial. However, as illustrated by Fig. 6, the issue of the GMO debate is not merely a matter of safety: the issue of power and privilege is at heart of this debate. Therefore, our solution to this issue must address such concerns:

  • Science education should not be limited to mere websites of MOA. Instead, MOA should actively educate the general public about the safety behind GMO and truly convince the general public  that GMO is safe.
  • China should develop its own GM technology as much as possible to prevent exploitation of farmers by foreign corporations. 
  • Laws that regulate domestic and foreign biotech corporations should be established to prevent monopoly.
  • Laws that concerns farmers’ welfare, such as that which regulates seed prices, should be established to protect farmers.
  • Laws that protest agricultural diversity should be enforced even if such laws are only for the sake of cultural heritage.
  • Laws that enforces clear labeling of food as either non-GMO or GMO should be established to give consumers the right to choose. Price regulations should also be established to ensure non-GMO food is affordable.
  • Ordinary people should be able to participate in the decision-making processes regarding food issues, for they are the group that is primarily affected.


  1. Ministry of Agriculture. (2015). 转基因食品与非转基因食品同样安全 [Transgenic Food is As Safe as Non-transgenic Food] [Brochure]. Retrieved from Ministry of Agriculture Website:
  2. Jiang, Y. (2016, Nov 05). 不只是安不安全,转基因还关乎这些!--转基因争论之反思 [Not Only an Issue of Safety: Reflections on the GMO Debate]. Retrieved from