Relevant Context

Image of trash by stream
Image of trash by stream

What is the backstory?

The per capita waste generation rate had already been increasing in 1998 (Chung & Poon, 1998, 214). The per capita waste generation rate reflects the amount of municipal solid waste generated by individuals.

Stricter legislation for controlling solid waste came until 1995 and it has taken a while for implementation and positive effects to come (Chung & Poon, 1998, p. 214). 

Early, unsuccessful waste generation data collection efforts can be dated back to around 1993, but for many years, regulation was lacking (Lo and Shung, 2004, p. 158).

Lack of sufficient data, unfortunately, does not allow us to see previous waste generation trends. Even more frustrating, is the continuous lack of data today in poorly funded communities. Lack of reliable data inevitably leads to the inability to teach people about their waste generation rate and better preventative methods.

If it is such a big issue, why is it not being dealt with efficiently?

Inadequate resources and funds!

Sewage and solid waste management funds are allocated a common budget, where sewage control is prioritized more and as result, less money goes to waste management (Shekdar, 2009, p. 1444). Sewage control can be addressed more as a pressing issue that needs to be dealt with immediately, influencing those in charge of allocating funds to focus less on waste management.


Baselactionnetwork. (Photographer). (2008, March). Technotrash by stream [digital image]. Retrieved from

Chung, S., & Poon, C. (1998). A comparison of waste management in Guangzhou and Hong Kong. Resources, Conservation, and Recycling, 22 (3-4), 203-216. doi: 10.1016/S0921-3449(98)00013-5

Lo, C. W. H., & Chung, S. S. (2004). The responses and prospects of sustainable development for Guangzhou and Hong Kong. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 11 (2), 151-167. doi: 10.1080/13504500409469819

Shekdar, A. V. (2009). Sustainable solid waste management: An integrated approach for Asian countries. Waste Management, 29 (4), 1438-1448. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2008.08.025